1. Scope of Work

The incumebt will undertake the following key tasks:

  • Purchase / Receptionof Pharmaceutical and Health Products.
  • Storage and Distribution.


  • Technical assistance on data collection, quality Assurance, inventory and stock management.
  • Data collection and compilation.



  1. Purchase/Receptionof Pharmaceutical and Health Products:
    • Ensure the registration of all pharmaceuticals and health products procured under the grant is registered in the supply chain data-base.
    • Ensure that the Price QualityReport PQR is updated for each arrivalof products; Ensurethat technical issues are reported to the Global Fund in due time.
    • Ensure all the Receipt notes are signed by all parties and store them in the data base, including reception reports.
    • Developpe and monitor key indicators for the central medical warehouse ( CECOME) for the reception of health commodities.
    • Actively participate in all the quantification meetingsand participate during the elaboration of the quantification and distribution plans.
  2. Storage and Distribution:
    • Assist in the evaluation of CECOME’s performance in terms of responsiveness, compliance with procedures by developing key indicators for all the processes at CECOME, monitor them and create reports.
    • Coordinate with the supply chain monitors SCMs and CECOME personnel to ensure compliance with good storage and distribution practices for all pharmaceuticals and health products in the warehouse.
    • Assist CECOME in the execution of all ordersto avoid disruptions in inventory management.
    • Participate duringthe preparation and implementation of semestral Inventory at Central CECOME.
    • Analysis the monthlystock reports issuefrom MACS and compare with all the distributions plans and entries to ensure accuracy; notify CECOME in case of any discrepancy.
    • Coordinate with CECOME and SCMs to ensure that good receipts notes are duly signed by all the Health Facilities, ensure all of them are stored in supply chain data base.
    • Support CECOME with MACS when needed.
    • Prepare the supervisions plans to the regional CECOME and Health Facilities and consolidate all the reports from SCMs and share with all the partners.
    • Prepare the plan for the participation of the SCMs in the regional monthlymeetings and consolidate all the reports; follow up on the recommendations with each one the SCMs.
  3. Data collection and compilation:
    • Through the logisticmanagement unit ( UGL) at CECOME, coordinate the stock data collection in all health facilities; prepare the visitsplans; analysis the data receivedor collected and consolidate them in a central data base in the absence of a electronic logistic management system.
    • Participate in the implementation of the LMIS through the GAS committee and all other national partners.
    • Actively participate in all coordination meetings related to supply chainissues.
    • Analyse the consumption data versus patients data, share reports and recommendation with concerned health facilities and all the partnersin case of discrepancy; elaborate and followup on recommendations based on the analysis.
    • In collaboration with PNLP ( National Malaria Program) and UNDP M&E team, contribute on the elaboration of the annual Malaria Microplan.
    • Participate on the preparation of the annualstock management training.
    • Prepare the distribution plan of the logistics management tools to all health facilities.


  1. Technical assistance on data collection, quality Assurance, inventory and stock management:
    • Provide technical assistance on data collection, inventory and stockmanagement using the new e-LMISat

Languages requirement: portuguese and french

Closing date: Nov-20th

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